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February 22, 2022

Everything You Need For Your First Rimfire Match

Dorgan Trostel and Doug Lynch walk you through everything you need for your first (NRL22 or NRL22x) rimfire match.

Since this will be your first rimfire match we strongly recommend reaching out to the match director and letting them know you're looking to shoot your first match. They may suggest you attend a match as an observer first before you actually shoot and they may be able to help you figure out what class you want to enter if you haven't decided on that yet. Next, when you do bring a rifle to your first match the match director can advise you as to where the sight in range is, what safety rules are applicable, and give you a rundown on everything you need to know for that specific match.

For the video itself, Dorgan and Doug will walk you through the basic things you need for a match which at their most basic are a rimfire rifle, a scope, and ammunition. Everything else that is optional for your style of shooting you can discover by attending matches and talking to participants who are often more than willing to help you learn.

Once you have your equipment and are attending a match you'll have 5 stages to shoot. Each stage is generally 10 rounds each so you'll need at least 1, preferably 2 - 10 round magazines. Some matches will have additional stages specific to those matches that don't contribute to your NRL score but are more for fun so be sure to bring extra ammo - 100 rounds should get you by.

Burris Optics, based in Greeley, Colorado, has been an optics innovation leader for over 50 years. The company produced its first optics in 1972 and was the originator of the ballistic plex design employed by every hunting optics manufacturer since. Every optic produced by Burris is designed, engineered, and tested in our Greeley, CO facility.